miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

No solo es aprendizaje para Tim / It is not only Tim learning

Fuimos al parque nuevamente. Si, ahi pasamos muchas horas jeje. Tim estaba con muchas ganas de jugar con otros ninos, asi que fuimos en busca de amigos. No habia nadie para empezar y pronto se aburrio, pero mientras caminabamos hacia la casa de nuevo empezaron a llegar mas ninos, eran mayores que Tim lo que no me hizo sentir muy tranquila, pero nos quedamos.

Tim estaba feliz, se iba acercando poco a poco hacia donde estaban los ninos jugando en los columpios. Yo me sente en una banca pues queria darle espacio y la oportunidad de iniciar el la comunicacion con estos ninos y que no dependa de mi hablar por el.

Fueron los diez minutos mas largos de mi vida, creo. Tim se acercaba, los ninos lo miraban, nadie decia nada. Todos los ninos tenian turnos en el columpio y Tim seguia parado detras sin decir nada. Mi corazon se hacia chiquito, se hacia un nudo en la garganta, queria llorar porque mi hijito no sabia que hacer, pero se moria de ganas de jugar con ellos. Me miraba como preguntandose porque no estaba haciendo yo nada, porque no lo ayudaba. Yo solo le senalaba con la cabeza que se acerque, que se acerque y le hice la sena para que hable. No hablo, pero una de las ninas le pregunto si el queria jugar y el simplemente dijo si con la cabecita. No solto palabra, pero empezo a tener turnos, aun nadie hablaba con el, nadie le preguntaba nada. Solo tenia sus turnos en el columpio.

Casi media hora despues de estar jugando juntos, vinieron mas cerca a donde estaba yo y ahi la conversacion empezo, digo conversacion pero fue solo un breve intercambio de palabras. Igual, se comunico. Me senti orgullosa de mi hijito y agradecida que fueron buenos ninos los que llegaron al parque y le dieron la oportunidad.

Mi corazon se retuerce cuando lo veo tratar de jugar con ninos y no saber que hacer, pero como dije en el titulo, no es solo aprendizaje para Tim pues yo tengo que dejarlo crecer, ya pronto estara en una edad en que la mama no tiene nada que hacer metida en sus juegos, tiene que aprender y tengo que darle la chance de hacerlo.  Me senti orgullosa de el, una vez mas!


We went to the park again, yes, we do spend a lot of time at parks. Hehehe. Tim had been wanting to play with other children so we went looking for children at the park. It was empty to start with and soon he got bored and wanted to come home, but then some children were coming to the park so he wanted to stay, the children were older than Tim which usually makes me uneasy but we stayed nonetheless.

Tim was so happy, he kept getting closer and closer to them - they were playing in the swings. I sat in a bench as I wanted to give him some space and the chance to try to initiate communication with them and not let me be his voice all the time.

These were probably the longest ten minutes of my life I think. Tim kept moving towards them, no one was saying anything. The other children had turns in the swings, Tim was still hoovering around without asking them if he could play. My heart was shrinking, I felt really bad to see him wanting to play with them so much and not knowing what to do, I did feel like crying I must confess. Tim looked back at me as if he was saying, why aren't you helping me out? I just kept encouraging him to go to them and signed 'talk' so he knew that was what he needed to do. He didn't say anything but one of the girls asked him if he wanted a turn. He nodded. He didn't say a word but started having turns as well. No one was talking to him, no one was asking him anything. He just had a turn with everyone else.

About half an hour later they all moved closer where I was sitiing and the conversation sort of started, I say conversation but it was only an exchange of words here and there. It is still valid, he communicated with them. I was very proud of my little boy and thankful the kids that arrived were good children and gave him a chance.

My heart twists when I see him trying to talk to some children and does not know what to do or say but as I said in the title it is not only Tim learning here because I need to learn to let him grow up as he will soon be a big boy that doesn't need mummy on top of him when he is playing with his 'friends'. He has to learn and I have to give him the chance to learn. I was proud of my little boy, again!

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